Sunday, February 14, 2010
"iamamiwhoami" Mystery Video Update *New Vid*
Everybody's favorite viral marketing campaign is back! A new and amazing "iamamiwhoami" clip has emerged as of Wednesday. This one connecting our blonde hero with a bee. Perhaps an allegory for all the "buzz" she's getting? [Laughs] The video's creator(s) is becoming more benevolent with its new imagery, including a close-up that gives us a good idea of what her face looks like and the contrast of a blissfully-white winter setting outside an idyllic log cabin. It was also brought to my attention that the main contender in the internet guessing game for said blonde is not, in fact, Christina Aguilera. Basically I have no choice but to assume it's either a) the Knife/Fever Ray or b) a new and upcoming artist, all together. Basically we're back to square one, despite the fact we've done been graced with another painfully short visual/aural sensation.
Also, as mentioned in the first "iamamwhoami" post, it is believed that the numeric titles represent a hidden code. With the aforementioned method (a=1,...z=26) the videos provided good reason to believe that Xtina was responsible for the vids, granted that one went along the lines of "Its Me C". But when applying the same logic to this video's title, we get: M.A.N.D.R.A.G.O.R.A. C. Apparently Mandragoras are thought to be little demon dolls or figures given to sorcerers by the Devil for the purpose of being consulted by them in time of need. Cool.